Edmonds Library

Edmonds Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. Edmonds, WA

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

RWR Contact: Rebekka Gansel, rebekka.gansel@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 6 teams. New team members must contact Rebekka Gansel at rebekka.gansel@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Kent Library

Kent Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kent Library, 212 2nd Ave N, Kent, Wa 98032

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar, Email: slhusar7@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: We need 4 teams for this event. New and badged teams are welcome at this event. If you are a new team meeting your protocol, you must email Shelly (slhusar7@gmail.com) to let her know you are coming.   If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

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Overlake Terrace Senior House

Overlake Terrace Senior House

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting mostly seniors.  This event is held the fourth Monday of every month.

Location: 2956 152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052

Time:  2:00 – 3:00 pm

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi/Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Parking: Free in parking lot

Meet: Outside the lobby – 1:50 PM

Teams: 3 teams, in-person experienced and protocol teams welcome!

Team notes:  Masks are mandatory for this location. Please sanitize between each visit with senior/staff.

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Edmonds Library

Edmonds Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. Edmonds, WA

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

RWR Contact: Rebekka Gansel, rebekka.gansel@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 6 teams. New team members must contact Rebekka Gansel at rebekka.gansel@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Kent Library

Kent Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kent Library, 212 2nd Ave N, Kent, WA 98032

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

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Kidstock 2025

Kidstock 2025

This is a very fun event for all. The Edmonds community is very dog-friendly and they are thrilled to have our Therapy Teams in attendance. Bring bookmarks, stickers and/or trading cards of your dog to hand out. We will be on the 2nd floor, which require two flights of stairs. There is an elevator available if you need it.

WHERE:              Edmonds Center for the Arts

ADDRESS:           410 4th Ave N, Edmonds, WA 98020

# OF TEAMS:     6 ALL TEAMS WELCOME!          

SANITIZER:        Please sanitize between visitors petting your dog         

MASKS:              If facility asks to be worn

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM

TEAM LEAD:      Leslie (teamleadrwr@outlook.com)

PARKING:          Parking lot and street parking

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Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


View Event →
Edmonds Library

Edmonds Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. Edmonds, WA

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

RWR Contact: Rebekka Gansel, rebekka.gansel@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 6 teams. New team members must contact Rebekka Gansel at rebekka.gansel@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Kent Library

Kent Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kent Library, 212 2nd Ave N, Kent, WA 98032

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

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Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


View Event →
Edmonds Library

Edmonds Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. Edmonds, WA

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

RWR Contact: Rebekka Gansel, rebekka.gansel@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 6 teams. New team members must contact Rebekka Gansel at rebekka.gansel@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Kent Library

Kent Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kent Library, 212 2nd Ave N, Kent, WA 98032

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

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Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Edmonds Library

Edmonds Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. Edmonds, WA

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

RWR Contact: Rebekka Gansel, rebekka.gansel@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 6 teams. New team members must contact Rebekka Gansel at rebekka.gansel@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Kent Library

Kent Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kent Library, 212 2nd Ave N, Kent, WA 98032

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


View Event →
Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Auburn Petpalooza

Auburn Petpalooza

VENUE:             Auburn Petpalooza

ADDRESS:         3030 R ST SE, Auburn, WA 98002

DATE:                 5/18/24

TIME:                10am-5pm

LOCATION:         Auburn Game Farm Park

TEAM LEAD:       Shelly Husar slhusar7@gmail.com

TEAMS NEEDED:  14 teams 

This event is open to protocol or badged teams. Please contact Shelly Husar at 206-799-6477 if you are interested. 

Please click on the link below to sign up for time slots during the event.


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Edmonds Library

Edmonds Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. Edmonds, WA

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

RWR Contact: Rebekka Gansel, rebekka.gansel@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 6 teams. New team members must contact Rebekka Gansel at rebekka.gansel@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Kent Library

Kent Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kent Library, 212 2nd Ave N, Kent, WA 98032

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

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Everett Library

Everett Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

View Event →
Kingsgate Library

Kingsgate Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

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Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

View Event →
Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

View Event →
Tukwila Library

Tukwila Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Tukwila Library, 14380 Tukwila International Blvd, Tukwila, WA 98168

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

View Event →
Snohomish Library

Snohomish Library

This is a monthly Reading Event for Children aged 6 – 11 to come read to Registered Therapy Dogs. Experienced and Protocol teams, please email Team Lead to let them know you are coming. 

VENUE:              Snohomish Library

ADDRESS:         311 Maple Ave, Snohomish, WA 98290

DATE:                  September 14, 2024

TIME:                  2:00 – 3:00 PM


TEAM LEAD:      Leslie TeamLeadRWR@Outlook.com

MASKS:              Optional


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Coupeville Library

Coupeville Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: 788 NW Alexander St Coupeville WA 98239-0745

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

RWR Contact: LouAnn Hepp, whidbeyrwr@gmail.com

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

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Bellevue Library

Bellevue Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Bellevue Library, 1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004

RWR Contact: Please contact Connie Clark, Email: conniecl@comcast.net

Number/Experience of Teams: 5 Needed, Experience All Levels

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Woodinville Library - RWR

Woodinville Library - RWR

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Woodinville Library, 17105 Avondale Rd NE, Woodinville, WA 98072

Time: 3:30 – 4:30 PM

RWR Contact: Cori Butler/Email: coributleremail@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Cori Butler at coributleremail@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 3:20pm outside Library before entering.

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Covington Library

Covington Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. “Santa” therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Covington Library, 27100 164th Ave SE, Covingoton, WA 98042

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar, Email: slhusar7@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: We need 4 teams for this event. New and badged teams are welcome at this event. If you are a new team meeting your protocol, you must email Shelly (slhusar7@gmail.com) to let her know you are coming.   If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

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Bothell Library - RWR

Bothell Library - RWR

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location:  Bothell Library, 18215 98th Ave NE, Bothell WA 98011

RWR Contact/Lead: Judith Marab, Email: judithmarab@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: ALL teams , badged and protocol welcome! If you are attending to meet your protocol hours, you must email Judish (judithmarab@gmail.com) prior to attending.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org.

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Federal Way Library - RWR

Federal Way Library - RWR

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: 34200 1st Way S, Federal Way, WA 98003

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar/Email: slhusar7@gmail.com

Library Contact: Rowena Mangohig/Email: rmangohig@kcls.org

Attention Rovers: New and badged teams are welcome at this event. If you are a new team meeting your protocol, you must email Shelly (slhusar7@gmail.com) to let her know you are coming.   If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

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Fairwood Library

Fairwood Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Fairwood Library, 17009 140th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98058

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

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Kingsgate Library - RWR

Kingsgate Library - RWR

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kingsgate Library, 12315 NE 143rd St, Kirkland WA 98034

Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings/Email: rlcummings@comcast.net 

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Lyle Cummings at rlcummings@comcast.net and let him know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

View Event →
American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting in Seattle

American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting in Seattle

We have a wonderful opportunity to spread the word about having Therapy Dogs and children reading to them. It is the American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting coming to Seattle this December. We will be ambassadors to show Speech Therapists and Hearing Therapists how our dogs can help them in their practices or schools that they work with patients. 

VENUE:  Seattle Convention Center 

PARKING: covered by ASHA

DAYS:  December 5-7

TIME:  Noon to 4:00 PM Thursday and Friday 

             11:00-2:00 Saturday 

MASKS: Optional 

SANITIZER: Mandatory 

TEAMS:  All Teams Welcomed, Protocol and Experienced 

Please let Leslie know if you are available and interested in coming.  Teamleadrwr@outlook.com

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American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting in Seattle

American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting in Seattle

We have a wonderful opportunity to spread the word about having Therapy Dogs and children reading to them. It is the American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting coming to Seattle this December. We will be ambassadors to show Speech Therapists and Hearing Therapists how our dogs can help them in their practices or schools that they work with patients. 

VENUE:  Seattle Convention Center 

PARKING: covered by ASHA

DAYS:  December 5-7

TIME:  Noon to 4:00 PM Thursday and Friday 

             11:00-2:00 Saturday 

MASKS: Optional 

SANITIZER: Mandatory 

TEAMS:  All Teams Welcomed, Protocol and Experienced 

Please let Leslie know if you are available and interested in coming.  Teamleadrwr@outlook.com

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American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting in Seattle

American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting in Seattle

We have a wonderful opportunity to spread the word about having Therapy Dogs and children reading to them. It is the American Speech and Hearing Association's Annual Meeting coming to Seattle this December. We will be ambassadors to show Speech Therapists and Hearing Therapists how our dogs can help them in their practices or schools that they work with patients. 

VENUE:  Seattle Convention Center 

PARKING: covered by ASHA

DAYS:  December 5-7

TIME:  Noon to 4:00 PM Thursday and Friday 

             11:00-2:00 Saturday 

MASKS: Optional 

SANITIZER: Mandatory 

TEAMS:  All Teams Welcomed, Protocol and Experienced 

Please let Leslie know if you are available and interested in coming.  Teamleadrwr@outlook.com

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Family First Community Center

Family First Community Center

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Family First Community Center, 16200 116th Ave SE, Renton, WA 98058

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

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Aegis Kirkland - RWR

Aegis Kirkland - RWR

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting mostly seniors.

Location: 1002 Lake St S, Kirkland, WA 98033

Directions: www.aegisliving.com/aegis-living-of-kirkland

RWR Contact: Lyle Cummings Email: rlcummings@comcast.net

Parking:           Free underground – any stall OK

Meet:                 Lobby – 3:50 PM

Teams:              3 badged teams, all “in person” teams welcome (protocol and experienced). NO VIRTUAL ONLY TEAMS.

Vaccinated:    Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

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Sammamish Library Study with Dogs

Sammamish Library Study with Dogs

These sessions are for de-stressing with middle and high school students who do their homework at the library after school.

WHERE:              Sammamish Public Library

ADDRESS:           825 228th Ave SE, Sammamish, WA 98075

TIME:                4:00 – 5:00 PM

# OF TEAMS: 4-5 Teams Needed

TEAMS:                 All teams welcome

MASKS:               At teams’ discretion unless venue says mandatory to wear

SANITIZER:         Use Sanitizer in between each Reader

TEAM LEAD:     Ailynn Knox-Collins, fluffyherders@gmail.com / Let Ailynn know if you are able to attend

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Covington Library

Covington Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location:  Meeting Room at Covington Library, 27100 164th Ave SE, Covington, WA 98042

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar, Email: slhusar7@gmail.com

Registration: Readers register through www.kcls.org

Library Contact: Monica Sands Email: mesands@kcls.org

Attention Rovers: We need 4 teams for this event. Badged and protocol teams welcome! If you are attending to meet your protocol hours you must email Shelly (slhusar7@gmail.com) prior to attending.  If you have any other questions please emailinfo@readingwithrover.org.

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Overlake Terrace Senior House

Overlake Terrace Senior House

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting mostly seniors.  This event is held the fourth Monday of every month.

Location: 2956 152nd Ave NE, Redmond, WA 98052

Time:  2:00 – 3:00 pm

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi/Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Parking: Free in parking lot

Meet: Outside the lobby – 1:50 PM

Teams: 3 teams, in-person experienced and protocol teams welcome!

Team notes:  Masks are mandatory for this location. Please sanitize between each visit with senior/staff.

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Everett Library - RWR

Everett Library - RWR

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Everett Library, 2702 Hoyt Ave, Everett, WA 98201

Time: 11:00am - 12:00pm

RWR Contact: Gail Walters, gail.r.walters@gmail.com. Please contact Gail if you are interested in joining.

Attention Rovers: All teams are invited

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 10:50am outside Library before entering.

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Renton Health & Rehab Center

Renton Health & Rehab Center

Purpose: This is a reading event. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Renton Health & Rehab Center, 80 SW 2nd ST, Renton, WA 98057

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar for details: slhusar@auburn.wednet.edu

Masks and Sanitizer: Masks are optional, sanitizer is mandatory!

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Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Purpose: For Reading With Rover teams to meet and visit with residents.

Location:   Jefferson House Memory Care Community

Address:  12215 NE 128th St Kirkland, WA 98034

Time: 10:30 – 11:30 am

Teams: 4 Teams

Experience: In Person Experienced and Protocol Teams welcome

Masks: Mandatory

Sanitizer: Mandatory between each person

RWR Contact: Larry Iwafuchi / Email: larry_iwafuchi@hotmail.com

Email team lead before going to event.  Event may be cancelled due to illness amongst residents. DO NOT GO IF YOU ARE FEELING ILL.

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Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Village Green West Seattle Senior Community

Purpose: This is a therapy visit, visiting seniors.

Location: 2615 SW Barton St Seattle, WA 98126

RWR Contact: Becky Farwell, farwell.llc@me.com

Parking: Free parking in the lot.

Meet: In the parking lot at 10:20am.

Teams:  Experienced and protocol teams welcome. Meets every 3 weeks.

Vaccinated:  Teams need to be vaccinated and wear mask (dependent upon CDC/facility guidelines at time of visit)

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Coupeville Library

Coupeville Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: 788 NW Alexander St Coupeville WA 98239-0745

Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

RWR Contact: LouAnn Hepp, whidbeyrwr@gmail.com

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

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Kent Library

Kent Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Kent Library, 212 2nd Ave N, Kent, Wa 98032

RWR Contact: Please contact Shelly Husar, Email: slhusar7@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: We need 4 teams for this event. New and badged teams are welcome at this event. If you are a new team meeting your protocol, you must email Shelly (slhusar7@gmail.com) to let her know you are coming.   If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

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Edmonds Library

Edmonds Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Edmonds Library, 650 Main St. Edmonds, WA

Time: 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

RWR Contact: Rebekka Gansel, rebekka.gansel@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 6 teams. New team members must contact Rebekka Gansel at rebekka.gansel@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

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Bellevue Library

Bellevue Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Bellevue Library, 1111 110th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004

RWR Contact: Please contact Connie Clark, Email: conniecl@comcast.net

Number/Experience of Teams: 5 Needed, Experience All Levels

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Woodinville Library

Woodinville Library

Purpose: This is a reading event for children. Therapy dogs and their handlers will be there to listen to children read aloud.

Location: Woodinville Library, 17105 Avondale Rd NE, Woodinville, WA 98072

Time: 3:30 – 4:30 PM

RWR Contact: Cori Butler/Email: coributleremail@gmail.com

Attention Rovers: All in person evaluated teams welcome (including protocol)! There is space for 5 teams. New team members must contact Cori Butler at coributleremail@gmail.com and let her know you are coming.  If you have any other questions please email info@readingwithrover.org

Sanitizer mandatory for Readers.

Masks Optional for Teams.

Teams to meet at 3:20pm outside Library before entering.

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